About Me
Hello, World! My name is Colin McNamara and you are looking at version 1 of my first website.
Professionally, I am an ex-investment analyst on his path to becoming a web developer. I love learning and the practice of building something that people can see and interact with.
I am inspired by the work and writings of people like Tim Ferriss (4HWW Blog) and Paul Graham (PG's Essays) and admire from afar the work of companies like Google, SpaceX, and many others. I am addicted to Evernote and MyFitnessPal and don't go anywhere without my Fitbit Charge HR.
Right now, I am in "build mode" and am looking to build my portfolio in any way that I can. I am entirely self-taught and am utilizing a number of DIY sources including: Coursera, Zed Shaw's Learn Ruby the Hard Way, Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial, Free Code Camp, and many others.
Course Work
List of my self-education sources

University of Michigan
- Introduction to HTML5
- Introduction to CSS3
- Advanced Styling with Responsive Design
- Interactivity with JavaScript
Bulk Navigation
My Work thus Far (Organized)
Basic HTML & CSS
- Intro to HTML5: First Home Page: Tag Practice
- Intro to HTML5: Final Project
- Intro to CSS3 - Week 1: Ultimate Frisbee: Home Page | Ultimate Frisbee: History | Ultimate Frisbee: Teams (note: I did not write the HTML for these pages)
- Intro to CSS3 - Week 2: Ultimate Frisbee: Home Page | Ultimate Frisbee: History | Ultimate Frisbee: Teams (note: I did not write the HTML for these pages)
- Intro to CSS3 - Week 4: Ultimate Frisbee: Home Page | Ultimate Frisbee: History | Ultimate Frisbee: Teams (note: I did not write the HTML for these pages)
- Colin's Tests: Vertical Navigation
- Colin's Tests: Horizontal Navigation
- Colin's Tests: Horizontal Nav with Dropdowns
Bootstrap & Responsive Design
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 2: Responsive Design Play-Around
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 3: Bootstrap Play-Around
Javascript & JQuery
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 4: Javascript Arrays and Functions (all console)
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 2 Homework: Three Picture: Hover (note: I did not write the HTML for this page)
- W3school.com Canvas Clock: W3School's Clock | Colin's Version & Explanation
- Colin's Tests: Train Animation
Ruby & Rails
My Work thus Far (Unorganized)
- Texas Hold'em Hand Generator (Work in Progress): Version 1
- Derek Banas Tutorial: Bootstrap
- Pinochle Hand Generator (Work in Progress): Version 1
- Bootstrap Tutorial: Derek Banas Walkthrough
- Rock, Paper, Scissors: Version 1 | Version 2
- Javascript Calculators: Colin's V1 | Code Academy | Version #2 |
- Advanced Styling with Responsive Design: Week 3 Work: Bootstrap: Components & Pill Navigation
- Advanced Styling with Responsive Design: Week 3 Work: Bootstrap: Basics & Tab Navigation
- Advanced Styling with Responsive Design: Week 2 Homework: First Responsive Design Page
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 4 Work: CodePen (professor's code) | Form Play-Around
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 4 Homework: Javascript Form Work (note: I did not write the HTML for this page)
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 3: Professor's CodePen | Arrays |
- Colin's Tests: Canvas Play-Around 2 (animated field)
- Colin's Tests: Train Animation
- W3school.com Canvas Clock: W3School's Clock | Colin's Version & Explanation
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 5: Basic AJAX => random menu page loads when you click on "Specials"; (note: I did not write the HTML for this page)
- Colin's Tests: Canvas Play-Around (initial field build, no functionality)
- Jennifer DeWalt - Day 4: Jen's Page | Colin's Clone | Colin's Version (with notes)
- Jennifer DeWalt - Day 3: Jen's Page | Colin's Clone | Colin's Version (with notes)
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 2 Homework: Three Picture: Hover (note: I did not write the HTML for this page)
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 4: Javascript Arrays and Functions (all console)
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 2 (Example): Three Picture Alt Text (note: I did not write the HTML for this page)
- Colin's Tests: Horizontal Nav with Dropdowns
- Colin's Tests: Horizontal Navigation
- Colin's Tests: Vertical Navigation
- Intro to CSS3 - Week 4: Ultimate Frisbee: Home Page | Ultimate Frisbee: History | Ultimate Frisbee: Teams (note: I did not write the HTML for these pages)
- Intro to CSS3 - Week 2: Ultimate Frisbee: Home Page | Ultimate Frisbee: History | Ultimate Frisbee: Teams (note: I did not write the HTML for these pages)
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 3: Bootstrap Play-Around
- Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript - Week 2: Responsive Design Play-Around
- Intro to CSS3 - Week 1: Ultimate Frisbee: Home Page | Ultimate Frisbee: History | Ultimate Frisbee: Teams (note: I did not write the HTML for these pages)
- Intro to HTML5: Final Project
- Intro to HTML5: First Home Page: Tag Practice
Pages Under Construction:
- Colin's Tests: Canvas Play-Around 2 (animated field)
- Colin's Tests: Train Animation
- Interactivity with Javascript: Week 4 Work: CodePen (professor's code) | Form Play-Around
Cool Websites
- Jennifer DeWalt - Jennifer DeWalt's 180 Websites in 180 Days